Rocky Leon - Whats real acapella

Песня "Rocky Leon - Whats real acapella" с аккордами для гитары.

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на аккордах: Em C G D

What’s real in me and what is make believe? 
I feel empty when I take what I receive. 
My head’s not spinning. I’m back at the beginning. 
My heart is numb now and I must wake it somehow. 

My heart is beating but it’s under control. 
My head’s defeating both my heart and my soul. 
after retreating to a dark little hole… 
cold comfort filling, killing, blocking my goal to get out. 

What can I see and how much am I missing? 
This plan for breaking free – foiled by reminiscing. 
My love is like a shadow when there’s no Sun in the sky. 
I ride off into battle knowing I’m gonna die. 

You are amazing and I wish I could love you. 
Your heart is blazing and mine’s just like a rock. 
There is a door in me, I’m gonna need to break down 
‘cause I can’t find the key that fits the lock. 

I’m thinking I must be missing something inside. 
I’m thinking maybe when my heart broke it actually died. 
Weak to begin with maybe I should never have tried. 
and now I can’t, baby can’t, baby why, why, WhY!?


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